Little Scientists

Little Scientists

A propos de l'organisation

Little Scientists is a nonprofit organization on the mission is to bring children and young people closer to science. We organize science activities that are fascinating, safe, fun, and full of science. We want to make children and teenagers fall in love with STEM subjects by showing them in a different and engaging way.

To break down economic, social, and cultural barriers, Little Scientists has launched a project to bring elementary schools and kindergartens closer to STEM subjects. Thanks to our supporters, the first test phase of the project has started in Januery 2024. Some schools in the canton of Zurich will be able to participate in our free of charge science workshops. The initiative has been a great succes and now we are woking on expand the offer and the contects but to reach our gola we need your help!

To ensure that our non-profit continues to offer these activities, we are looking for volunteers to help us run the NPO. We are looking for people who love this project and who can help us with marketing, management, and PR. Any skill you possess could be an added value to us and our students.

Domaines recherchés: 
Formation + Coaching, Informatique + Internet, Enfants + Jeunes

