Gesucht Logistiker/in 18.12.2024, BROKIDS Zürich, Regensdorf Administration + Marketing | Board development | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth | German Reparierfreudige Personen 55+ 18.12.2024, BROKIDS Zürich, Regensdorf Visit + Accompany | Education + Coaching | Board development | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth Gesucht "Fleissige Hände und Augen für's Detail" 03.12.2024, BROKIDS Regensdorf, Zürich Board development | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth | Migrants | German Velomechaniker/in 55+ gesucht 03.12.2024, BROKIDS Regensdorf, Zürich Education + Coaching | Board development | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth | German Gesucht "Shop-Mitarbeiter/In für Generationenwerkstatt /Shop" 01.10.2024, BROKIDS Zürich, Regensdorf Administration + Marketing | Sales | German | Freundlicher Umgang mit der Kundschaft | Buchhaltung / Controlling Pages1 2 next Close menu Field of volunteering Board development (6) Children + Youth (6) Integration + Social issues (6) Administration + Marketing (3) Education + Coaching (3) Migrants (3) Sales (2) Visit + Accompany (2) Region ZurichRegensdorf (7) Type of engagement Regular engagement (7) Nonprofits BROKIDS Pro Senectute Kanton Zürich (41) Pro Juventute (15) SRK Kanton Zürich (11) AFS Intercultural Programs Switzerland (9) Die Zauberlaterne (9) Stiftung Sozialwerk Pfarrer Sieber (7) insieme Zürcher Oberland (6) Museum Neuthal Textil- & Industriekultur (6) Caritas Zürich (5) Stadt Zürich, GFA, Gesundheitszentrum Käferberg (5) Alterszentren der Stadt Winterthur (4) Gemeindeverwaltung Gossau ZH (4) Stadt Adliswil, Freiwilligenkoordination (4) Stellennetz - Stiftung für Arbeitsintegration (4) Terre des hommes - Kinderhilfe (4) AOZ (3) Blaues Kreuz Zürich (3) Reformierte Kirche Knonauer Amt (3) SanMobil (3)
Reparierfreudige Personen 55+ 18.12.2024, BROKIDS Zürich, Regensdorf Visit + Accompany | Education + Coaching | Board development | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth Gesucht "Fleissige Hände und Augen für's Detail" 03.12.2024, BROKIDS Regensdorf, Zürich Board development | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth | Migrants | German Velomechaniker/in 55+ gesucht 03.12.2024, BROKIDS Regensdorf, Zürich Education + Coaching | Board development | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth | German Gesucht "Shop-Mitarbeiter/In für Generationenwerkstatt /Shop" 01.10.2024, BROKIDS Zürich, Regensdorf Administration + Marketing | Sales | German | Freundlicher Umgang mit der Kundschaft | Buchhaltung / Controlling Pages1 2 next
Gesucht "Fleissige Hände und Augen für's Detail" 03.12.2024, BROKIDS Regensdorf, Zürich Board development | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth | Migrants | German Velomechaniker/in 55+ gesucht 03.12.2024, BROKIDS Regensdorf, Zürich Education + Coaching | Board development | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth | German Gesucht "Shop-Mitarbeiter/In für Generationenwerkstatt /Shop" 01.10.2024, BROKIDS Zürich, Regensdorf Administration + Marketing | Sales | German | Freundlicher Umgang mit der Kundschaft | Buchhaltung / Controlling Pages1 2 next
Velomechaniker/in 55+ gesucht 03.12.2024, BROKIDS Regensdorf, Zürich Education + Coaching | Board development | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth | German Gesucht "Shop-Mitarbeiter/In für Generationenwerkstatt /Shop" 01.10.2024, BROKIDS Zürich, Regensdorf Administration + Marketing | Sales | German | Freundlicher Umgang mit der Kundschaft | Buchhaltung / Controlling Pages1 2 next
Gesucht "Shop-Mitarbeiter/In für Generationenwerkstatt /Shop" 01.10.2024, BROKIDS Zürich, Regensdorf Administration + Marketing | Sales | German | Freundlicher Umgang mit der Kundschaft | Buchhaltung / Controlling