Gesucht Logistiker/in 18.12.2024, BROKIDS Zürich, Regensdorf Administration + Marketing | Board development | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth | German Reparierfreudige Personen 55+ 18.12.2024, BROKIDS Zürich, Regensdorf Visit + Accompany | Education + Coaching | Board development | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth Gesucht "Fleissige Hände und Augen für's Detail" 03.12.2024, BROKIDS Regensdorf, Zürich Board development | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth | Migrants | German Velomechaniker/in 55+ gesucht 03.12.2024, BROKIDS Regensdorf, Zürich Education + Coaching | Board development | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth | German Gesucht "Shop-Mitarbeiter/In für Generationenwerkstatt /Shop" 01.10.2024, BROKIDS Zürich, Regensdorf Administration + Marketing | Sales | German | Freundlicher Umgang mit der Kundschaft | Buchhaltung / Controlling Pages1 2 next Close menu Field of volunteering Board development (6) Children + Youth (6) Integration + Social issues (6) Administration + Marketing (3) Education + Coaching (3) Migrants (3) Sales (2) Visit + Accompany (2) Region Zurich Regensdorf Type of engagement Regular engagement (7) Nonprofits BROKIDS Pro Pallium (1) SRK Kanton Zürich (1)
Reparierfreudige Personen 55+ 18.12.2024, BROKIDS Zürich, Regensdorf Visit + Accompany | Education + Coaching | Board development | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth Gesucht "Fleissige Hände und Augen für's Detail" 03.12.2024, BROKIDS Regensdorf, Zürich Board development | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth | Migrants | German Velomechaniker/in 55+ gesucht 03.12.2024, BROKIDS Regensdorf, Zürich Education + Coaching | Board development | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth | German Gesucht "Shop-Mitarbeiter/In für Generationenwerkstatt /Shop" 01.10.2024, BROKIDS Zürich, Regensdorf Administration + Marketing | Sales | German | Freundlicher Umgang mit der Kundschaft | Buchhaltung / Controlling Pages1 2 next
Gesucht "Fleissige Hände und Augen für's Detail" 03.12.2024, BROKIDS Regensdorf, Zürich Board development | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth | Migrants | German Velomechaniker/in 55+ gesucht 03.12.2024, BROKIDS Regensdorf, Zürich Education + Coaching | Board development | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth | German Gesucht "Shop-Mitarbeiter/In für Generationenwerkstatt /Shop" 01.10.2024, BROKIDS Zürich, Regensdorf Administration + Marketing | Sales | German | Freundlicher Umgang mit der Kundschaft | Buchhaltung / Controlling Pages1 2 next
Velomechaniker/in 55+ gesucht 03.12.2024, BROKIDS Regensdorf, Zürich Education + Coaching | Board development | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth | German Gesucht "Shop-Mitarbeiter/In für Generationenwerkstatt /Shop" 01.10.2024, BROKIDS Zürich, Regensdorf Administration + Marketing | Sales | German | Freundlicher Umgang mit der Kundschaft | Buchhaltung / Controlling Pages1 2 next
Gesucht "Shop-Mitarbeiter/In für Generationenwerkstatt /Shop" 01.10.2024, BROKIDS Zürich, Regensdorf Administration + Marketing | Sales | German | Freundlicher Umgang mit der Kundschaft | Buchhaltung / Controlling