Engagieren Sie sich für Kinder und Jugendliche an Ihrem Wohnort 10.12.2024, SRK Kanton Zürich Winterthur, Illnau-Effretikon, Lindau, 8472 Seuzach, 8442 Hettlingen, 8422 Pfungen, 8311 Brütten Visit + Accompany | Refugees | Children + Youth | Migrants | Keine besonderen Kenntnisse Fahrer*in im Rotkreuz Fahrdienst 09.12.2024, SRK Kanton Zürich Zürich Visit + Accompany | Seniors | Transportation services | Health | Integration + Social issues Begleitung in Alltagsaufgaben 09.12.2024, SRK Kanton Zürich Zürich Visit + Accompany | Seniors | Health | Integration + Social issues | Cooking + Serving Bertreuerin oder Betreuer im Rotkreuz-Notruf 11.11.2024, SRK Kanton Zürich Wädenswil, Horgen, Thalwil, Affoltern am Albis, 8934 Knonau Visit + Accompany | Seniors | Health | Integration + Social issues | People with disabilities Mentoring Perspektive Arbeit 23.09.2024, SRK Kanton Zürich Zürich Visit + Accompany | Education + Coaching | Refugees | Integration + Social issues | Migrants Close menu Field of volunteering Visit + Accompany Integration + Social issues (8) Migrants (7) Refugees (6) Children + Youth (5) Health (3) People with disabilities (3) Seniors (3) Education + Coaching (2) Cooking + Serving (1) Generation F (1) Others (1) Sports + Recreation (1) Transportation services (1) Region Zurich (5) Type of engagement Regular engagement (5) Nonprofits SRK Kanton Zürich GGG Benevol (61) benevol Tandem (27) Kinder- und Jugendhilfe St. Gallen (26) Pro Senectute Kanton Zürich (21) Pro Senectute Thurgau (12) Dachverband für Freiwilligenarbeit, Frauenfeld (10) Pro Pallium (9) Schweizerisches Rotes Kreuz, Kanton Baselland (9) SZBLIND Fachstelle Hörsehbehinderung und Taubblindheit (8) Caritas Aargau (7) Schweizerisches Rotes Kreuz Kanton Bern, Region Mittelland (6) Stiftung Blumenrain (6) Jugendrotkreuz Kanton Aargau (5) Stadt Zürich, GFA, Gesundheitszentrum Käferberg (5) Alterszentren der Stadt Winterthur (4) Alzheimer GR (4) Croix-Rouge vaudoise (4) CRS Canton de Berne, région Seeland / SRK Kanton Bern, Region Seeland (4) Pro Senectute Kanton Solothurn (4)
Fahrer*in im Rotkreuz Fahrdienst 09.12.2024, SRK Kanton Zürich Zürich Visit + Accompany | Seniors | Transportation services | Health | Integration + Social issues Begleitung in Alltagsaufgaben 09.12.2024, SRK Kanton Zürich Zürich Visit + Accompany | Seniors | Health | Integration + Social issues | Cooking + Serving Bertreuerin oder Betreuer im Rotkreuz-Notruf 11.11.2024, SRK Kanton Zürich Wädenswil, Horgen, Thalwil, Affoltern am Albis, 8934 Knonau Visit + Accompany | Seniors | Health | Integration + Social issues | People with disabilities Mentoring Perspektive Arbeit 23.09.2024, SRK Kanton Zürich Zürich Visit + Accompany | Education + Coaching | Refugees | Integration + Social issues | Migrants
Begleitung in Alltagsaufgaben 09.12.2024, SRK Kanton Zürich Zürich Visit + Accompany | Seniors | Health | Integration + Social issues | Cooking + Serving Bertreuerin oder Betreuer im Rotkreuz-Notruf 11.11.2024, SRK Kanton Zürich Wädenswil, Horgen, Thalwil, Affoltern am Albis, 8934 Knonau Visit + Accompany | Seniors | Health | Integration + Social issues | People with disabilities Mentoring Perspektive Arbeit 23.09.2024, SRK Kanton Zürich Zürich Visit + Accompany | Education + Coaching | Refugees | Integration + Social issues | Migrants
Bertreuerin oder Betreuer im Rotkreuz-Notruf 11.11.2024, SRK Kanton Zürich Wädenswil, Horgen, Thalwil, Affoltern am Albis, 8934 Knonau Visit + Accompany | Seniors | Health | Integration + Social issues | People with disabilities Mentoring Perspektive Arbeit 23.09.2024, SRK Kanton Zürich Zürich Visit + Accompany | Education + Coaching | Refugees | Integration + Social issues | Migrants
Mentoring Perspektive Arbeit 23.09.2024, SRK Kanton Zürich Zürich Visit + Accompany | Education + Coaching | Refugees | Integration + Social issues | Migrants