Deine Salesforce-Expertise ist gefragt 09.12.2024, ADES Schweiz - Madagaskar Zürich, Luzern, St. Gallen, Winterthur, Aarau, Bern, Basel Computers + Internet | Board development | Education + Coaching | German | Fundierte Erfahrungen mit Salesforce Mithilfe bei Anlässen, Stühle aufstellen, abbauen. Evtl. auch Untersütuimg beim Servieren von Kaffee und Kuchen im Anschluss an unsere Veranstaltugen 09.12.2024, Seniorenverein Münchenbuchsee Münchenbuchsee Others | German | Keine Administration 07.12.2024, ID-Association Biel Administration + Marketing | Computers + Internet | Integration + Social issues | Art + Culture | Nature + Environment Graphisme 05.12.2024, ID-Association Biel Others | Computers + Internet | Corporate Volunteering | Board development | Integration + Social issues Communication sur réseaux sociaux 05.12.2024, ID-Association Biel Administration + Marketing | Computers + Internet | Board development | Integration + Social issues | Art + Culture Pagesprevious … 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 … next Close menu Field of volunteering Integration + Social issues (80) Visit + Accompany (58) Children + Youth (56) Board development (53) Education + Coaching (45) Others (40) Administration + Marketing (39) Seniors (31) Art + Culture (28) Migrants (24) Computers + Internet (23) Refugees (21) People with disabilities (20) Transportation services (20) Nature + Environment (19) Short-term jobs (16) Health (12) Cooking + Serving (10) Sports + Recreation (10) Faith-based (9) Sales (8) Corporate Volunteering (5) Foundation counsil (3) Generation F (3) Animals (1) Translations (1) Youth camps (1) Region BernBiel (50) Thun (20) Lyss (11) Köniz (9) Thunstetten (9) Ostermundigen (8) Zurich (259) Waadt (240) Basel-Stadt (154) Aargau (151) Sankt Gallen (145) Basel-Landschaft (108) Thurgau (60) Freiburg (52) Graubünden (47) Neuenburg (47) Luzern (45) Wallis (43) Genf (41) Solothurn (37) Jura (21) Zug (20) Schaffhausen (18) Appenzell Ausserrhoden (17) Schwyz (16) Appenzell Innerrhoden (13) Tessin (11) Obwalden (8) Uri (8) Glarus (7) Nidwalden (7) Type of engagement Regular engagement (161) Irregular engagement (68) One-time volunteering job (51) Nonprofits Pro Juventute (22) UND Generationentandem (11) Mon Eco Pote (9) evangelisch-reformierte Kirchgemeinde Thunstetten (8) ID-Association (8) Die Zauberlaterne (7) Mazay - Freundschaft & Integration (7) Schweizerisches Rotes Kreuz Kanton Bern, Region Mittelland (7) CRS Canton de Berne, région Seeland / SRK Kanton Bern, Region Seeland (6) Pro Senectute Kanton Bern (6) Caritas Bern (5) AFS Intercultural Programs Switzerland (4) Blaues Kreuz Bern-Solothurn-Freiburg (4) Schweizerisches Rotes Kreuz Kanton Bern, Region Emmental (4) Seelandheim (4) SRK Kanton Bern - Migration (4) Amt für Justizvollzug (3) Seniorenverein Münchenbuchsee (3) Stiftung Diaconis (3) Stiftung Schweizer Tafel (3)
Mithilfe bei Anlässen, Stühle aufstellen, abbauen. Evtl. auch Untersütuimg beim Servieren von Kaffee und Kuchen im Anschluss an unsere Veranstaltugen 09.12.2024, Seniorenverein Münchenbuchsee Münchenbuchsee Others | German | Keine Administration 07.12.2024, ID-Association Biel Administration + Marketing | Computers + Internet | Integration + Social issues | Art + Culture | Nature + Environment Graphisme 05.12.2024, ID-Association Biel Others | Computers + Internet | Corporate Volunteering | Board development | Integration + Social issues Communication sur réseaux sociaux 05.12.2024, ID-Association Biel Administration + Marketing | Computers + Internet | Board development | Integration + Social issues | Art + Culture Pagesprevious … 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 … next
Administration 07.12.2024, ID-Association Biel Administration + Marketing | Computers + Internet | Integration + Social issues | Art + Culture | Nature + Environment Graphisme 05.12.2024, ID-Association Biel Others | Computers + Internet | Corporate Volunteering | Board development | Integration + Social issues Communication sur réseaux sociaux 05.12.2024, ID-Association Biel Administration + Marketing | Computers + Internet | Board development | Integration + Social issues | Art + Culture Pagesprevious … 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 … next
Graphisme 05.12.2024, ID-Association Biel Others | Computers + Internet | Corporate Volunteering | Board development | Integration + Social issues Communication sur réseaux sociaux 05.12.2024, ID-Association Biel Administration + Marketing | Computers + Internet | Board development | Integration + Social issues | Art + Culture Pagesprevious … 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 … next
Communication sur réseaux sociaux 05.12.2024, ID-Association Biel Administration + Marketing | Computers + Internet | Board development | Integration + Social issues | Art + Culture