comptable pour orchestre symphonique amateur 26.02.2025, Orchestre de Ribaupierre Lausanne Administration + Marketing | French | Buchhaltung / Controlling Vorstandsmitglied/ Comité de direction - Service Citoyen 26.02.2025, Service Citoyen Schweiz Foundation counsil | Computers + Internet | Board development | Integration + Social issues Featured Ehrenamtliche für politische Bildung 26.02.2025, Discuss it Schweiz, Zürich, Basel, St. Gallen, Central Switzerland, Thurgau, Graubünden, Bern, Basel-Landschaft, Aargau Education + Coaching | Board development | Generation F | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth Devenez moniteur-trice pour notre groupe parents-enfants (2-4 ans) 26.02.2025, FSG Saint-Cierges Montanaire Sports + Recreation | French Werde Tandempartner:in – Gemeinsam Integration gestalten! 26.02.2025, SRK Kanton Zürich Zürich, Zürich Education + Coaching | Refugees | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth | Migrants Pages1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 … next Close menu Field of volunteering Integration + Social issues (543) Visit + Accompany (494) Children + Youth (411) Education + Coaching (292) Board development (276) Others (232) Seniors (222) Administration + Marketing (218) Art + Culture (217) Migrants (203) Refugees (168) People with disabilities (150) Sports + Recreation (147) Nature + Environment (134) Transportation services (131) Cooking + Serving (109) Generation F (101) Health (98) Computers + Internet (88) Short-term jobs (76) Sales (64) Faith-based (41) Corporate Volunteering (31) Animals (29) Foundation counsil (25) Youth camps (24) Translations (10) Region Zurich (258) Bern (221) Waadt (220) Sankt Gallen (159) Aargau (146) Basel-Stadt (142) Basel-Landschaft (119) Thurgau (75) Luzern (61) Graubünden (47) Freiburg (44) Neuenburg (41) Solothurn (40) Wallis (40) Genf (26) Schaffhausen (21) Jura (19) Appenzell Ausserrhoden (18) Schwyz (18) Zug (16) Appenzell Innerrhoden (12) Tessin (9) Obwalden (8) Central Switzerland (7) Nidwalden (7) Type of engagement Regular engagement (1'194) Irregular engagement (449) One-time volunteering job (279) Nonprofits GGG Benevol (120) La Lanterne Magique (58) Pro Juventute (53) Schweizerisches Rotes Kreuz, Kanton Baselland (46) Pro Senectute Kanton Zürich (41) Die Zauberlaterne (34) benevol Tandem (27) Kinder- und Jugendhilfe St. Gallen (27) Dachverband für Freiwilligenarbeit, Frauenfeld (24) WWF Regionalstelle AR/AI - SG - TG (24) Schweizerisches Rotes Kreuz (SRK) (23) WWF Zürich (15) Association Free Go (14) HEKS (14) SRK Kanton Zürich (14) Blaues Kreuz Bern-Solothurn-Freiburg (13) Jugendrotkreuz Kanton Aargau (13) Terre des hommes - Kinderhilfe (13) Festival du Film Français d'Helvétie (12) Caritas Aargau (11)
Vorstandsmitglied/ Comité de direction - Service Citoyen 26.02.2025, Service Citoyen Schweiz Foundation counsil | Computers + Internet | Board development | Integration + Social issues Featured Ehrenamtliche für politische Bildung 26.02.2025, Discuss it Schweiz, Zürich, Basel, St. Gallen, Central Switzerland, Thurgau, Graubünden, Bern, Basel-Landschaft, Aargau Education + Coaching | Board development | Generation F | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth Devenez moniteur-trice pour notre groupe parents-enfants (2-4 ans) 26.02.2025, FSG Saint-Cierges Montanaire Sports + Recreation | French Werde Tandempartner:in – Gemeinsam Integration gestalten! 26.02.2025, SRK Kanton Zürich Zürich, Zürich Education + Coaching | Refugees | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth | Migrants Pages1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 … next
Featured Ehrenamtliche für politische Bildung 26.02.2025, Discuss it Schweiz, Zürich, Basel, St. Gallen, Central Switzerland, Thurgau, Graubünden, Bern, Basel-Landschaft, Aargau Education + Coaching | Board development | Generation F | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth Devenez moniteur-trice pour notre groupe parents-enfants (2-4 ans) 26.02.2025, FSG Saint-Cierges Montanaire Sports + Recreation | French Werde Tandempartner:in – Gemeinsam Integration gestalten! 26.02.2025, SRK Kanton Zürich Zürich, Zürich Education + Coaching | Refugees | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth | Migrants Pages1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 … next
Devenez moniteur-trice pour notre groupe parents-enfants (2-4 ans) 26.02.2025, FSG Saint-Cierges Montanaire Sports + Recreation | French Werde Tandempartner:in – Gemeinsam Integration gestalten! 26.02.2025, SRK Kanton Zürich Zürich, Zürich Education + Coaching | Refugees | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth | Migrants Pages1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 … next
Werde Tandempartner:in – Gemeinsam Integration gestalten! 26.02.2025, SRK Kanton Zürich Zürich, Zürich Education + Coaching | Refugees | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth | Migrants