Accompagner des personnes en deuil 11.11.2024, Association ASNOVA Lausanne Visit + Accompany | French | rédaction de lettre | Ecoute Recherche bénévoles 11.11.2024, Ludothèque de Pully Pully, Schweiz Administration + Marketing | Computers + Internet | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth | Art + Culture Rheinfelden: Junior Mentoring für Lehrstellensuche 11.11.2024, ask! - Beratungsdienste für Ausbildung und Beruf Rheinfelden Administration + Marketing | Visit + Accompany | Education + Coaching | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth Lecture bénévole 11.11.2024, Bibliothèque Sonore Romande Lausanne Seniors | Integration + Social issues | Art + Culture | People with disabilities | Children + Youth Bewerbungstraining mit Jugendlichen - 20.03.2025 - telefonisch 11.11.2024, Pro Juventute 5200 Brugg Education + Coaching | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth | German Pagesprevious … 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 … next Close menu Field of volunteering Integration + Social issues (519) Visit + Accompany (454) Children + Youth (374) Education + Coaching (294) Board development (271) Administration + Marketing (254) Others (244) Seniors (234) Art + Culture (200) Migrants (184) Refugees (158) People with disabilities (151) Transportation services (133) Sports + Recreation (123) Computers + Internet (121) Generation F (118) Health (114) Nature + Environment (113) Cooking + Serving (109) Short-term jobs (80) Sales (79) Faith-based (43) Corporate Volunteering (33) Foundation counsil (31) Youth camps (23) Animals (20) Translations (11) Region Waadt (272) Zurich (254) Bern (211) Basel-Stadt (154) Aargau (152) Sankt Gallen (127) Basel-Landschaft (115) Thurgau (80) Freiburg (60) Solothurn (51) Neuenburg (49) Genf (48) Luzern (46) Graubünden (45) Wallis (41) Schaffhausen (25) Jura (21) Tessin (13) Appenzell Innerrhoden (11) Zug (11) Appenzell Ausserrhoden (10) Glarus (10) Nidwalden (6) Obwalden (6) Schwyz (6) Type of engagement Regular engagement (1'233) Irregular engagement (435) One-time volunteering job (301) Nonprofits GGG Benevol (134) La Lanterne Magique (50) Schweizerisches Rotes Kreuz, Kanton Baselland (49) Pro Senectute Kanton Zürich (41) Die Zauberlaterne (37) Pro Juventute (35) benevol Tandem (27) Dachverband für Freiwilligenarbeit, Frauenfeld (22) Caritas Aargau (20) Blaues Kreuz Bern-Solothurn-Freiburg (16) Pro Senectute Kanton Solothurn (16) Terre des hommes - Kinderhilfe (16) Association Mon Eco Pote (Sans but lucratif) (15) Pro Senectute Thurgau (14) AFS Intercultural Programs Switzerland (12) SBB RailFair (12) Tischlein deck dich (12) Caritas Vaud (11) Jeunesse-school (11) Jugendrotkreuz Kanton Aargau (11)
Recherche bénévoles 11.11.2024, Ludothèque de Pully Pully, Schweiz Administration + Marketing | Computers + Internet | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth | Art + Culture Rheinfelden: Junior Mentoring für Lehrstellensuche 11.11.2024, ask! - Beratungsdienste für Ausbildung und Beruf Rheinfelden Administration + Marketing | Visit + Accompany | Education + Coaching | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth Lecture bénévole 11.11.2024, Bibliothèque Sonore Romande Lausanne Seniors | Integration + Social issues | Art + Culture | People with disabilities | Children + Youth Bewerbungstraining mit Jugendlichen - 20.03.2025 - telefonisch 11.11.2024, Pro Juventute 5200 Brugg Education + Coaching | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth | German Pagesprevious … 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 … next
Rheinfelden: Junior Mentoring für Lehrstellensuche 11.11.2024, ask! - Beratungsdienste für Ausbildung und Beruf Rheinfelden Administration + Marketing | Visit + Accompany | Education + Coaching | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth Lecture bénévole 11.11.2024, Bibliothèque Sonore Romande Lausanne Seniors | Integration + Social issues | Art + Culture | People with disabilities | Children + Youth Bewerbungstraining mit Jugendlichen - 20.03.2025 - telefonisch 11.11.2024, Pro Juventute 5200 Brugg Education + Coaching | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth | German Pagesprevious … 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 … next
Lecture bénévole 11.11.2024, Bibliothèque Sonore Romande Lausanne Seniors | Integration + Social issues | Art + Culture | People with disabilities | Children + Youth Bewerbungstraining mit Jugendlichen - 20.03.2025 - telefonisch 11.11.2024, Pro Juventute 5200 Brugg Education + Coaching | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth | German Pagesprevious … 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 … next
Bewerbungstraining mit Jugendlichen - 20.03.2025 - telefonisch 11.11.2024, Pro Juventute 5200 Brugg Education + Coaching | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth | German