Leitung einer Sportgruppe 29.11.2024, SPORTEGRATION Schweiz, Basel-Stadt, Zürich, Bern, Basel-Landschaft Board development | Refugees | Integration + Social issues | Migrants | Sports + Recreation Unterstützung in der Jugendwohngruppe in: Haushalt/Admin./Deutschförderung/Freizeit 21.11.2024, Stiftung Jugendsozialwerk Blaues Kreuz BL Basel-Stadt Others | Visit + Accompany | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth | Sports + Recreation Ehrenamtliche Co-Leitung der Holzwerkstatt 11.11.2024, GGG Benevol Basel-Stadt Administration + Marketing | Art + Culture | Sports + Recreation Ehrenamtliche Co-Leitung der Metallwerkstatt 11.11.2024, GGG Benevol Basel-Stadt Administration + Marketing | Education + Coaching | Art + Culture | Sports + Recreation Persönliche Begleitung hörsehbehinderter Menschen 05.11.2024, SZBLIND Fachstelle Hörsehbehinderung und Taubblindheit Basel, 4500 Solothurn, Aargau Visit + Accompany | Seniors | Education + Coaching | Transportation services | Integration + Social issues Pages1 2 next Close menu Field of volunteering Sports + Recreation Visit + Accompany (15) Children + Youth (13) Integration + Social issues (11) Administration + Marketing (10) Seniors (10) Board development (9) Cooking + Serving (6) Education + Coaching (6) Art + Culture (5) Others (5) People with disabilities (5) Computers + Internet (4) Migrants (4) Nature + Environment (4) Transportation services (4) Short-term jobs (3) Faith-based (2) Generation F (2) Sales (2) Foundation counsil (1) Refugees (1) Region Basel-StadtBasel (2) Zurich (9) Waadt (7) Bern (6) Aargau (4) Graubünden (3) Luzern (3) Thurgau (3) Wallis (3) Basel-Landschaft (2) Sankt Gallen (2) Solothurn (2) Appenzell Innerrhoden (1) Freiburg (1) Glarus (1) Jura (1) Neuenburg (1) Schaffhausen (1) Type of engagement Irregular engagement Regular engagement (9) One-time volunteering job (1) Nonprofits GGG Benevol (3) SPORTEGRATION (1) Stiftung Jugendsozialwerk Blaues Kreuz BL (1) SZBLIND Fachstelle Hörsehbehinderung und Taubblindheit (1)
Unterstützung in der Jugendwohngruppe in: Haushalt/Admin./Deutschförderung/Freizeit 21.11.2024, Stiftung Jugendsozialwerk Blaues Kreuz BL Basel-Stadt Others | Visit + Accompany | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth | Sports + Recreation Ehrenamtliche Co-Leitung der Holzwerkstatt 11.11.2024, GGG Benevol Basel-Stadt Administration + Marketing | Art + Culture | Sports + Recreation Ehrenamtliche Co-Leitung der Metallwerkstatt 11.11.2024, GGG Benevol Basel-Stadt Administration + Marketing | Education + Coaching | Art + Culture | Sports + Recreation Persönliche Begleitung hörsehbehinderter Menschen 05.11.2024, SZBLIND Fachstelle Hörsehbehinderung und Taubblindheit Basel, 4500 Solothurn, Aargau Visit + Accompany | Seniors | Education + Coaching | Transportation services | Integration + Social issues Pages1 2 next
Ehrenamtliche Co-Leitung der Holzwerkstatt 11.11.2024, GGG Benevol Basel-Stadt Administration + Marketing | Art + Culture | Sports + Recreation Ehrenamtliche Co-Leitung der Metallwerkstatt 11.11.2024, GGG Benevol Basel-Stadt Administration + Marketing | Education + Coaching | Art + Culture | Sports + Recreation Persönliche Begleitung hörsehbehinderter Menschen 05.11.2024, SZBLIND Fachstelle Hörsehbehinderung und Taubblindheit Basel, 4500 Solothurn, Aargau Visit + Accompany | Seniors | Education + Coaching | Transportation services | Integration + Social issues Pages1 2 next
Ehrenamtliche Co-Leitung der Metallwerkstatt 11.11.2024, GGG Benevol Basel-Stadt Administration + Marketing | Education + Coaching | Art + Culture | Sports + Recreation Persönliche Begleitung hörsehbehinderter Menschen 05.11.2024, SZBLIND Fachstelle Hörsehbehinderung und Taubblindheit Basel, 4500 Solothurn, Aargau Visit + Accompany | Seniors | Education + Coaching | Transportation services | Integration + Social issues Pages1 2 next
Persönliche Begleitung hörsehbehinderter Menschen 05.11.2024, SZBLIND Fachstelle Hörsehbehinderung und Taubblindheit Basel, 4500 Solothurn, Aargau Visit + Accompany | Seniors | Education + Coaching | Transportation services | Integration + Social issues