Deutsch sprechen 21.01.2025, HEKS 4500 Solothurn Refugees | Integration + Social issues | Migrants | Nature + Environment | German Handwerkliche Unterstützung 21.01.2025, HEKS 4500 Solothurn Refugees | Integration + Social issues | Migrants | Nature + Environment | Handwerkliches Geschick Das Angebot von Morgen 20.01.2025, Stiftung Blumenrain Therwil, 4107 Ettingen, Hofstetten-Flüh Visit + Accompany | Seniors Wertvolle Momente zu zweit 20.01.2025, Stiftung Blumenrain Therwil, 4107 Ettingen, Hofstetten-Flüh Visit + Accompany | Seniors Senior*innen im Klassenzimmer in Bellach gesucht 17.01.2025, Pro Senectute Kanton Solothurn Bellach Visit + Accompany | Education + Coaching | Generation F | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth Pagesprevious 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 next Close menu Field of volunteering Visit + Accompany (21) Integration + Social issues (19) Children + Youth (15) Education + Coaching (14) Migrants (11) Refugees (9) Seniors (8) Board development (7) Nature + Environment (6) Others (6) Sports + Recreation (6) People with disabilities (5) Generation F (4) Transportation services (3) Administration + Marketing (2) Computers + Internet (2) Short-term jobs (2) Art + Culture (1) Corporate Volunteering (1) Health (1) Sales (1) Region SolothurnOlten (13) Grenchen (8) Dornach (5) Zurich (234) Waadt (195) Bern (173) Aargau (121) Basel-Stadt (116) Basel-Landschaft (104) Sankt Gallen (97) Thurgau (71) Luzern (39) Freiburg (38) Neuenburg (38) Wallis (35) Graubünden (33) Genf (25) Schaffhausen (17) Jura (12) Appenzell Ausserrhoden (11) Zug (11) Tessin (10) Schwyz (9) Appenzell Innerrhoden (7) Obwalden (6) Glarus (5) Nidwalden (5) Type of engagement Regular engagement Irregular engagement (12) One-time volunteering job (3) Nonprofits Pro Senectute Kanton Solothurn (10) SRK Kanton Solothurn (6) HEKS (4) Stiftung Blumenrain (2) AFS Intercultural Programs Switzerland (1) Alterszentrum Breitenbach (1) Begegnungszentrum CULTIBO (1) Blaues Kreuz Bern-Solothurn-Freiburg (1) Caritas Aargau (1) Caritas Solothurn (1) GGG Benevol (1) Katholischer Frauenbund Solothurn (1) Make-a-Wish Schweiz & Liechtenstein (1) Olten im Wandel (1) Pro Pallium (1) Schlafguet-Olten (1) SZBLIND Fachstelle Hörsehbehinderung und Taubblindheit (1) Tischlein deck dich (1) Verein Mittagstisch Wangen bei Olten (1)
Handwerkliche Unterstützung 21.01.2025, HEKS 4500 Solothurn Refugees | Integration + Social issues | Migrants | Nature + Environment | Handwerkliches Geschick Das Angebot von Morgen 20.01.2025, Stiftung Blumenrain Therwil, 4107 Ettingen, Hofstetten-Flüh Visit + Accompany | Seniors Wertvolle Momente zu zweit 20.01.2025, Stiftung Blumenrain Therwil, 4107 Ettingen, Hofstetten-Flüh Visit + Accompany | Seniors Senior*innen im Klassenzimmer in Bellach gesucht 17.01.2025, Pro Senectute Kanton Solothurn Bellach Visit + Accompany | Education + Coaching | Generation F | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth Pagesprevious 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 next
Das Angebot von Morgen 20.01.2025, Stiftung Blumenrain Therwil, 4107 Ettingen, Hofstetten-Flüh Visit + Accompany | Seniors Wertvolle Momente zu zweit 20.01.2025, Stiftung Blumenrain Therwil, 4107 Ettingen, Hofstetten-Flüh Visit + Accompany | Seniors Senior*innen im Klassenzimmer in Bellach gesucht 17.01.2025, Pro Senectute Kanton Solothurn Bellach Visit + Accompany | Education + Coaching | Generation F | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth Pagesprevious 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 next
Wertvolle Momente zu zweit 20.01.2025, Stiftung Blumenrain Therwil, 4107 Ettingen, Hofstetten-Flüh Visit + Accompany | Seniors Senior*innen im Klassenzimmer in Bellach gesucht 17.01.2025, Pro Senectute Kanton Solothurn Bellach Visit + Accompany | Education + Coaching | Generation F | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth Pagesprevious 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 next
Senior*innen im Klassenzimmer in Bellach gesucht 17.01.2025, Pro Senectute Kanton Solothurn Bellach Visit + Accompany | Education + Coaching | Generation F | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth