Freiwillige gesucht für das Generationenprojekt! 16.10.2024, Schweizerisches Rotes Kreuz (SRK) Flawil Administration + Marketing | Others | Visit + Accompany | Seniors | Education + Coaching Freiwillige gesucht für das Projekt "Besuche im Asylzentrum"! 16.10.2024, Schweizerisches Rotes Kreuz (SRK) Eggersriet Administration + Marketing | Others | Visit + Accompany | Seniors | Education + Coaching Engagierte Freiwillige gesucht für das Projekt "Get Together"! 16.10.2024, Schweizerisches Rotes Kreuz (SRK) St. Gallen Others | Visit + Accompany | Seniors | Education + Coaching | Computers + Internet Vorstandsmitglied 15.10.2024, Pro Natura Baselland Basel-Landschaft, Basel Administration + Marketing | Education + Coaching | Computers + Internet | Corporate Volunteering | Board development Sind Sie Hobbygärtner:in? 14.10.2024, GGG Benevol Basel Integration + Social issues | People with disabilities | Nature + Environment Pagesprevious … 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 next Close menu Field of volunteering Nature + Environment Integration + Social issues (423) Visit + Accompany (388) Children + Youth (329) Board development (249) Administration + Marketing (214) Seniors (208) Education + Coaching (193) Art + Culture (189) Migrants (179) Others (154) Refugees (152) People with disabilities (117) Generation F (102) Transportation services (101) Sports + Recreation (94) Computers + Internet (92) Health (82) Cooking + Serving (79) Sales (71) Short-term jobs (44) Faith-based (31) Foundation counsil (24) Corporate Volunteering (22) Animals (15) Youth camps (12) Translations (8) Region Bern (21) Waadt (17) Freiburg (14) Genf (14) Neuenburg (13) Wallis (10) Aargau (9) Basel-Stadt (9) Zurich (9) Sankt Gallen (8) Basel-Landschaft (4) Thurgau (4) Jura (3) Graubünden (2) Luzern (2) Solothurn (2) Schwyz (1) Tessin (1) Zug (1) Type of engagement Regular engagement Irregular engagement (35) One-time volunteering job (24) Nonprofits Mon Eco Pote (11) GGG Benevol (6) Association Mon Eco Pote (Sans but lucratif) (3) ID-Association (3) Jugendrotkreuz Kanton Aargau (3) Schweizerisches Rotes Kreuz (SRK) (3) foodsharing Zürich (2) Pro Senectute Thurgau (2) RestEssbar St. Gallen (2) Alterszentren der Stadt Winterthur (1) Dachverband für Freiwilligenarbeit, Frauenfeld (1) ECOnGOOD Switzerland (ehemals Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie) (1) Fondazione Calanca delle Esploratrici (1) Freunde der Serengeti Schweiz - FSS (1) Gemeinde Suhr (1) Gemeinschaftszentrum Telli (1) GREEN BOOTS (1) Greenpeace Schweiz (1) HEKS Neue Gärten Ostschweiz (1) Human Front Aid (1)
Freiwillige gesucht für das Projekt "Besuche im Asylzentrum"! 16.10.2024, Schweizerisches Rotes Kreuz (SRK) Eggersriet Administration + Marketing | Others | Visit + Accompany | Seniors | Education + Coaching Engagierte Freiwillige gesucht für das Projekt "Get Together"! 16.10.2024, Schweizerisches Rotes Kreuz (SRK) St. Gallen Others | Visit + Accompany | Seniors | Education + Coaching | Computers + Internet Vorstandsmitglied 15.10.2024, Pro Natura Baselland Basel-Landschaft, Basel Administration + Marketing | Education + Coaching | Computers + Internet | Corporate Volunteering | Board development Sind Sie Hobbygärtner:in? 14.10.2024, GGG Benevol Basel Integration + Social issues | People with disabilities | Nature + Environment Pagesprevious … 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 next
Engagierte Freiwillige gesucht für das Projekt "Get Together"! 16.10.2024, Schweizerisches Rotes Kreuz (SRK) St. Gallen Others | Visit + Accompany | Seniors | Education + Coaching | Computers + Internet Vorstandsmitglied 15.10.2024, Pro Natura Baselland Basel-Landschaft, Basel Administration + Marketing | Education + Coaching | Computers + Internet | Corporate Volunteering | Board development Sind Sie Hobbygärtner:in? 14.10.2024, GGG Benevol Basel Integration + Social issues | People with disabilities | Nature + Environment Pagesprevious … 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 next
Vorstandsmitglied 15.10.2024, Pro Natura Baselland Basel-Landschaft, Basel Administration + Marketing | Education + Coaching | Computers + Internet | Corporate Volunteering | Board development Sind Sie Hobbygärtner:in? 14.10.2024, GGG Benevol Basel Integration + Social issues | People with disabilities | Nature + Environment Pagesprevious … 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 next
Sind Sie Hobbygärtner:in? 14.10.2024, GGG Benevol Basel Integration + Social issues | People with disabilities | Nature + Environment