Ressortleiter:in Schwimmen gesucht! 12.12.2024, PluSport Winterthur Others | Board development | Integration + Social issues | People with disabilities | Sports + Recreation Vorstandsmitglied gesucht bei VGB Rorschach! 19.11.2024, PluSport St. Gallen Board development | Integration + Social issues | People with disabilities | Sports + Recreation Leiter:innen für PluSport Basel gesucht! 29.10.2024, PluSport Basel Others | Visit + Accompany | Board development | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth Kassier:in für PluSport Appenzeller Vorderland gesucht! 16.10.2024, PluSport 9050 Appenzell Others | Board development | Integration + Social issues | People with disabilities | Sports + Recreation Helfer:innen Schwimmen DI (BSCZ) gesucht! 16.10.2024, PluSport Zürich Others | Visit + Accompany | Board development | Integration + Social issues | People with disabilities Close menu Field of volunteering Board development (5) Integration + Social issues (5) People with disabilities (5) Sports + Recreation (5) Others (4) Visit + Accompany (2) Children + Youth (1) Region Zurich (2) Appenzell Innerrhoden (1) Basel-Stadt (1) Sankt Gallen (1) Type of engagement Regular engagement (5) Nonprofits PluSport GGG Benevol (130) Pro Juventute (87) La Lanterne Magique (61) Schweizerisches Rotes Kreuz, Kanton Baselland (53) Die Zauberlaterne (46) Pro Senectute Kanton Zürich (40) benevol Tandem (27) Kinder- und Jugendhilfe St. Gallen (26) Caritas Aargau (21) Terre des hommes - Kinderhilfe (18) Dachverband für Freiwilligenarbeit, Frauenfeld (16) AFS Intercultural Programs Switzerland (14) Démarche (14) Association Mon Eco Pote (Sans but lucratif) (13) Jugendrotkreuz Kanton Aargau (13) SBB RailFair (12) Blaues Kreuz Bern-Solothurn-Freiburg (11) Caritas Vaud (11) Mon Eco Pote (11) SRK Kanton Zürich (11)
Vorstandsmitglied gesucht bei VGB Rorschach! 19.11.2024, PluSport St. Gallen Board development | Integration + Social issues | People with disabilities | Sports + Recreation Leiter:innen für PluSport Basel gesucht! 29.10.2024, PluSport Basel Others | Visit + Accompany | Board development | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth Kassier:in für PluSport Appenzeller Vorderland gesucht! 16.10.2024, PluSport 9050 Appenzell Others | Board development | Integration + Social issues | People with disabilities | Sports + Recreation Helfer:innen Schwimmen DI (BSCZ) gesucht! 16.10.2024, PluSport Zürich Others | Visit + Accompany | Board development | Integration + Social issues | People with disabilities
Leiter:innen für PluSport Basel gesucht! 29.10.2024, PluSport Basel Others | Visit + Accompany | Board development | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth Kassier:in für PluSport Appenzeller Vorderland gesucht! 16.10.2024, PluSport 9050 Appenzell Others | Board development | Integration + Social issues | People with disabilities | Sports + Recreation Helfer:innen Schwimmen DI (BSCZ) gesucht! 16.10.2024, PluSport Zürich Others | Visit + Accompany | Board development | Integration + Social issues | People with disabilities
Kassier:in für PluSport Appenzeller Vorderland gesucht! 16.10.2024, PluSport 9050 Appenzell Others | Board development | Integration + Social issues | People with disabilities | Sports + Recreation Helfer:innen Schwimmen DI (BSCZ) gesucht! 16.10.2024, PluSport Zürich Others | Visit + Accompany | Board development | Integration + Social issues | People with disabilities
Helfer:innen Schwimmen DI (BSCZ) gesucht! 16.10.2024, PluSport Zürich Others | Visit + Accompany | Board development | Integration + Social issues | People with disabilities