Die Zauberlaterne Basel sucht Sie als Kino-Begleiter*in 06.12.2024, Die Zauberlaterne Basel Children + Youth | Art + Culture | German Freiwilliges Engagement im Bereich Sprache, Integration und Frühförderung 02.12.2024, GGG Benevol Basel Education + Coaching | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth | Migrants Freiwillige für Musik-Aktion gesucht 25.11.2024, Terre des hommes - Kinderhilfe Basel, Basel-Stadt, Basel-Landschaft, 4125 Riehen, 4123 Allschwil, Binningen Administration + Marketing | Others | Board development | Children + Youth | German Aktive Vorstandsmitglieder für die Region Basel und Baselland gesucht 13.11.2024, Terre des hommes - Kinderhilfe Basel, Binningen, 4123 Allschwil, Muttenz, 4133 Pratteln, 4242 Laufen, Liestal, Basel-Stadt, Basel-Landschaft Administration + Marketing | Others | Board development | Children + Youth | German Koordinator*in AFS Queer Gruppe 12.11.2024, AFS Intercultural Programs Switzerland Zürich, Bern, Basel, Schweiz Administration + Marketing | Education + Coaching | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth Pages1 2 3 4 next Close menu Field of volunteering Children + Youth Visit + Accompany (28) Integration + Social issues (26) Generation F (17) Seniors (16) Board development (15) Education + Coaching (15) Administration + Marketing (14) Migrants (13) People with disabilities (12) Refugees (11) Nature + Environment (8) Art + Culture (7) Cooking + Serving (7) Others (7) Faith-based (6) Computers + Internet (5) Foundation counsil (5) Sports + Recreation (5) Transportation services (5) Sales (3) Health (2) Short-term jobs (2) Animals (1) Corporate Volunteering (1) Region Basel-Stadt Basel Riehen (2) Zurich (63) Waadt (45) Sankt Gallen (44) Basel-Landschaft (36) Aargau (34) Bern (34) Thurgau (18) Solothurn (14) Graubünden (13) Luzern (11) Neuenburg (9) Wallis (8) Freiburg (7) Jura (7) Appenzell Ausserrhoden (6) Schaffhausen (5) Genf (4) Tessin (4) Zug (4) Nidwalden (3) Obwalden (3) Vaduz (3) Appenzell Innerrhoden (2) Schaan (2) Schwyz (2) Uri (2) Type of engagement Regular engagement Irregular engagement (6) One-time volunteering job (2) Nonprofits GGG Benevol (6) AFS Intercultural Programs Switzerland (4) Die Zauberlaterne (2) KIRA (2) Terre des hommes - Kinderhilfe (2) Blaues Kreuz Kinder- und Jugendwerk (1) Discuss it (1) PluSport (1) Pro Natura Baselland (1)
Freiwilliges Engagement im Bereich Sprache, Integration und Frühförderung 02.12.2024, GGG Benevol Basel Education + Coaching | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth | Migrants Freiwillige für Musik-Aktion gesucht 25.11.2024, Terre des hommes - Kinderhilfe Basel, Basel-Stadt, Basel-Landschaft, 4125 Riehen, 4123 Allschwil, Binningen Administration + Marketing | Others | Board development | Children + Youth | German Aktive Vorstandsmitglieder für die Region Basel und Baselland gesucht 13.11.2024, Terre des hommes - Kinderhilfe Basel, Binningen, 4123 Allschwil, Muttenz, 4133 Pratteln, 4242 Laufen, Liestal, Basel-Stadt, Basel-Landschaft Administration + Marketing | Others | Board development | Children + Youth | German Koordinator*in AFS Queer Gruppe 12.11.2024, AFS Intercultural Programs Switzerland Zürich, Bern, Basel, Schweiz Administration + Marketing | Education + Coaching | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth Pages1 2 3 4 next
Freiwillige für Musik-Aktion gesucht 25.11.2024, Terre des hommes - Kinderhilfe Basel, Basel-Stadt, Basel-Landschaft, 4125 Riehen, 4123 Allschwil, Binningen Administration + Marketing | Others | Board development | Children + Youth | German Aktive Vorstandsmitglieder für die Region Basel und Baselland gesucht 13.11.2024, Terre des hommes - Kinderhilfe Basel, Binningen, 4123 Allschwil, Muttenz, 4133 Pratteln, 4242 Laufen, Liestal, Basel-Stadt, Basel-Landschaft Administration + Marketing | Others | Board development | Children + Youth | German Koordinator*in AFS Queer Gruppe 12.11.2024, AFS Intercultural Programs Switzerland Zürich, Bern, Basel, Schweiz Administration + Marketing | Education + Coaching | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth Pages1 2 3 4 next
Aktive Vorstandsmitglieder für die Region Basel und Baselland gesucht 13.11.2024, Terre des hommes - Kinderhilfe Basel, Binningen, 4123 Allschwil, Muttenz, 4133 Pratteln, 4242 Laufen, Liestal, Basel-Stadt, Basel-Landschaft Administration + Marketing | Others | Board development | Children + Youth | German Koordinator*in AFS Queer Gruppe 12.11.2024, AFS Intercultural Programs Switzerland Zürich, Bern, Basel, Schweiz Administration + Marketing | Education + Coaching | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth Pages1 2 3 4 next
Koordinator*in AFS Queer Gruppe 12.11.2024, AFS Intercultural Programs Switzerland Zürich, Bern, Basel, Schweiz Administration + Marketing | Education + Coaching | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth