Mentoring für Jugendliche - Jugendliche beim Einstieg in die Berufswelt unterstützen 04.11.2024, GGG Benevol Basel Education + Coaching | Children + Youth Freiwillige Person für 1:1 Begleitung eines Kindes mit Integrationsbedarf gesucht 04.11.2024, GGG Benevol Basel-Stadt Visit + Accompany | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth | Sports + Recreation Pro Pallium Familienbetreuung Kanton Basel-Stadt 04.11.2024, GGG Benevol Basel, 4125 Riehen Visit + Accompany | Children + Youth | People with disabilities Leiter:innen für PluSport Basel gesucht! 29.10.2024, PluSport Basel Others | Visit + Accompany | Board development | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth Ehrenamtliche für politische Bildung 29.10.2024, Discuss it Schweiz, Zürich, Basel, St. Gallen, Central Switzerland, Thurgau, Graubünden, Bern, Basel-Landschaft, Aargau Education + Coaching | Board development | Generation F | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth Pagesprevious 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 next Close menu Field of volunteering Children + Youth Visit + Accompany (62) Integration + Social issues (47) Seniors (37) Administration + Marketing (23) People with disabilities (23) Generation F (21) Board development (20) Cooking + Serving (19) Education + Coaching (19) Migrants (18) Refugees (16) Art + Culture (14) Sports + Recreation (13) Others (11) Computers + Internet (9) Nature + Environment (9) Faith-based (8) Foundation counsil (8) Transportation services (8) Short-term jobs (6) Sales (5) Health (3) Animals (1) Corporate Volunteering (1) Region Basel-StadtBasel (20) Zurich (76) Sankt Gallen (61) Bern (57) Waadt (55) Basel-Landschaft (43) Aargau (39) Graubünden (22) Luzern (17) Thurgau (16) Neuenburg (15) Freiburg (13) Solothurn (13) Wallis (13) Jura (12) Zug (9) Appenzell Ausserrhoden (8) Genf (8) Schaffhausen (6) Appenzell Innerrhoden (5) Schwyz (4) Tessin (4) Uri (4) Nidwalden (3) Obwalden (3) Vaduz (3) Type of engagement Regular engagement (30) Irregular engagement (13) One-time volunteering job (2) Nonprofits GGG Benevol (14) AFS Intercultural Programs Switzerland (4) Blaues Kreuz Kinder- und Jugendwerk (2) Die Zauberlaterne (2) KIRA (2) Terre des hommes - Kinderhilfe (2) Discuss it (1) Mentoring für Jugendliche (1) PluSport (1) Pro Natura Baselland (1) Pro Pallium (1) Schweizerisches Rotes Kreuz, Kanton Baselland (1) Stiftung Jugendsozialwerk Blaues Kreuz BL (1)
Freiwillige Person für 1:1 Begleitung eines Kindes mit Integrationsbedarf gesucht 04.11.2024, GGG Benevol Basel-Stadt Visit + Accompany | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth | Sports + Recreation Pro Pallium Familienbetreuung Kanton Basel-Stadt 04.11.2024, GGG Benevol Basel, 4125 Riehen Visit + Accompany | Children + Youth | People with disabilities Leiter:innen für PluSport Basel gesucht! 29.10.2024, PluSport Basel Others | Visit + Accompany | Board development | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth Ehrenamtliche für politische Bildung 29.10.2024, Discuss it Schweiz, Zürich, Basel, St. Gallen, Central Switzerland, Thurgau, Graubünden, Bern, Basel-Landschaft, Aargau Education + Coaching | Board development | Generation F | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth Pagesprevious 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 next
Pro Pallium Familienbetreuung Kanton Basel-Stadt 04.11.2024, GGG Benevol Basel, 4125 Riehen Visit + Accompany | Children + Youth | People with disabilities Leiter:innen für PluSport Basel gesucht! 29.10.2024, PluSport Basel Others | Visit + Accompany | Board development | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth Ehrenamtliche für politische Bildung 29.10.2024, Discuss it Schweiz, Zürich, Basel, St. Gallen, Central Switzerland, Thurgau, Graubünden, Bern, Basel-Landschaft, Aargau Education + Coaching | Board development | Generation F | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth Pagesprevious 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 next
Leiter:innen für PluSport Basel gesucht! 29.10.2024, PluSport Basel Others | Visit + Accompany | Board development | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth Ehrenamtliche für politische Bildung 29.10.2024, Discuss it Schweiz, Zürich, Basel, St. Gallen, Central Switzerland, Thurgau, Graubünden, Bern, Basel-Landschaft, Aargau Education + Coaching | Board development | Generation F | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth Pagesprevious 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 next
Ehrenamtliche für politische Bildung 29.10.2024, Discuss it Schweiz, Zürich, Basel, St. Gallen, Central Switzerland, Thurgau, Graubünden, Bern, Basel-Landschaft, Aargau Education + Coaching | Board development | Generation F | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth