Gastfamilienberater*in in diversen Regionen 28.10.2024, AFS Intercultural Programs Switzerland Obwalden, Nidwalden, Luzern, Uri, Bern, Basel, Aarau, St. Gallen, Frauenfeld, Winterthur, Schweiz Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth | German Responsable entretiens étudiants d'échange Suisse Romande 28.10.2024, AFS Intercultural Programs Switzerland Freiburg, Zürich, Waadt, Genf, Wallis, Jura, Neuenburg Education + Coaching | Children + Youth | français Interviewer*in für Austauschüler*innen 28.10.2024, AFS Intercultural Programs Switzerland Zürich Education + Coaching | Children + Youth | German Zimmer frei im Raum Aarau / Olten? Gastschülerin aus Hong Kong sucht Gastfamilie. 23.10.2024, AFS Intercultural Programs Switzerland Aarau, Olten Children + Youth | Visit + Accompany | Board development | Integration + Social issues | German Dringend Gastfamilie in Winterthur gesucht - ab sofort 22.10.2024, AFS Intercultural Programs Switzerland Winterthur Board development | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth | German | Offenheit für Jugendliche aus anderen Ländern Pagesprevious 1 2 3 next Close menu Field of volunteering Children + Youth Integration + Social issues (8) Education + Coaching (5) Board development (2) Short-term jobs (2) Administration + Marketing (1) Others (1) Visit + Accompany (1) Region Zurich (9) Basel-Stadt (4) Bern (4) Wallis (4) Aargau (3) Freiburg (3) Genf (3) Neuenburg (3) Waadt (3) Jura (2) Luzern (2) Sankt Gallen (2) Solothurn (2) Thurgau (2) Glarus (1) Graubünden (1) Nidwalden (1) Obwalden (1) Uri (1) Type of engagement Regular engagement (13) One-time volunteering job (8) Irregular engagement (4) Nonprofits AFS Intercultural Programs Switzerland Pro Juventute (42) La Lanterne Magique (40) Die Zauberlaterne (32) Schweizerisches Rotes Kreuz, Kanton Baselland (22) GGG Benevol (16) Terre des hommes - Kinderhilfe (14) Pro Senectute Kanton Solothurn (13) Jugendrotkreuz Kanton Aargau (10) Pro Senectute Kanton Zürich (10) Pro Pallium (9) BROKIDS (6) La Lanterna Magica (6) Asssociation ARC-Echange (4) Blaues Kreuz St.Gallen - Appenzell (4) SRK Kanton Solothurn (4) SRK Kanton Zürich (4) VIA (4) BIZ Kanton Bern (3) Blaues Kreuz Bern-Solothurn-Freiburg (3)
Responsable entretiens étudiants d'échange Suisse Romande 28.10.2024, AFS Intercultural Programs Switzerland Freiburg, Zürich, Waadt, Genf, Wallis, Jura, Neuenburg Education + Coaching | Children + Youth | français Interviewer*in für Austauschüler*innen 28.10.2024, AFS Intercultural Programs Switzerland Zürich Education + Coaching | Children + Youth | German Zimmer frei im Raum Aarau / Olten? Gastschülerin aus Hong Kong sucht Gastfamilie. 23.10.2024, AFS Intercultural Programs Switzerland Aarau, Olten Children + Youth | Visit + Accompany | Board development | Integration + Social issues | German Dringend Gastfamilie in Winterthur gesucht - ab sofort 22.10.2024, AFS Intercultural Programs Switzerland Winterthur Board development | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth | German | Offenheit für Jugendliche aus anderen Ländern Pagesprevious 1 2 3 next
Interviewer*in für Austauschüler*innen 28.10.2024, AFS Intercultural Programs Switzerland Zürich Education + Coaching | Children + Youth | German Zimmer frei im Raum Aarau / Olten? Gastschülerin aus Hong Kong sucht Gastfamilie. 23.10.2024, AFS Intercultural Programs Switzerland Aarau, Olten Children + Youth | Visit + Accompany | Board development | Integration + Social issues | German Dringend Gastfamilie in Winterthur gesucht - ab sofort 22.10.2024, AFS Intercultural Programs Switzerland Winterthur Board development | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth | German | Offenheit für Jugendliche aus anderen Ländern Pagesprevious 1 2 3 next
Zimmer frei im Raum Aarau / Olten? Gastschülerin aus Hong Kong sucht Gastfamilie. 23.10.2024, AFS Intercultural Programs Switzerland Aarau, Olten Children + Youth | Visit + Accompany | Board development | Integration + Social issues | German Dringend Gastfamilie in Winterthur gesucht - ab sofort 22.10.2024, AFS Intercultural Programs Switzerland Winterthur Board development | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth | German | Offenheit für Jugendliche aus anderen Ländern Pagesprevious 1 2 3 next
Dringend Gastfamilie in Winterthur gesucht - ab sofort 22.10.2024, AFS Intercultural Programs Switzerland Winterthur Board development | Integration + Social issues | Children + Youth | German | Offenheit für Jugendliche aus anderen Ländern